Window to Polis



Give the connecting crystal to Svetlana Tropkina.


Don't you understand? Alright, enough with the diplomatic games. We don't have the time to wait for the registry to give us an answer. From what I know of your personal history, I can tell that Yasker trusts you with making decisions. Otherwise you wouldn't be here.
I strongly encourage you to help Aoidoi, especially since they gave you a key to their city. By the way, you should bring this crystal to Svetlana so that she could include Polis in the portal net.


Polis? I haven't heard of such thing.
Ah, you're from Vasily. Alright then, I'm not going to play dumb.
Give me your stone. I'll see what I can do.
Bitte sehr. I have no idea where it will take you. So good luck!


Erfahrung: +6075

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